Tiny tiny Christmas knitted stockings for the dolls house.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Miniature knitting is not just for Christmas....
I thought I would list some Christmassy miniature knitting. All these are dolls house size 12th scale, so the tea cosy is about one inch high, and the stockings and Santa toy are both about 1 1/2 inches high.
Perfect for the seasonal dolls house, or to accessorise other 6 inch dolls such as bjd, Kelly, Strawberry Shortcake and so on.
Patterns are available in the Christmas knitting book, from the webpage shop.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Seven things about me award
Thanks Jennifer for tagging me for this award!
Here are seven things about me:
1 I have not eaten meat since 1985
2 I have been round the world twice
3 I have climbed a glacier in New Zealand with ropes and crampons
4 At the age of 17 I achieved the Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award and went to Buckingham Palace for the presentation by Prince Philip
6 I do conservation work with Horsham Green Gym and am proficient at dead hedging
7 I swim three times a week
I don't know 15 other bloggers to nominate so this is the best you get!
Here are seven things about me:
1 I have not eaten meat since 1985
2 I have been round the world twice
3 I have climbed a glacier in New Zealand with ropes and crampons
4 At the age of 17 I achieved the Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award and went to Buckingham Palace for the presentation by Prince Philip
6 I do conservation work with Horsham Green Gym and am proficient at dead hedging
7 I swim three times a week
I don't know 15 other bloggers to nominate so this is the best you get!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Easy cookie recipe
This is a very easy recipe and makes lovely chewy cookies. It can be varied in any number of ways, for example leave out the sultanas and cinnamon, and add some vanilla and chocolate drops. Or use chopped dried cranberries or dried apricots with white chocolate chunks. Be careful not to cook too long so that they stay soft and chewy.
40g butter
40g sugar
2 tablespoons golden syrup
90g self-raising flour
Pinch of cinnamon
75g sultanas
Beat together ingredients, adding sultanas last and stirring them in. Spoon into balls on a baking sheet and flatten slightly, leaving room to spread. Bake at 170C for about 10 minutes.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Lalique - A labour of love
So this is probably the most challenging knitting pattern I have attempted. I saw a knitted sample at the Knitting and Stitching Show, and decided I just had to have a go, and here it is, finally finished after many hours of sweat and possibly tears.
The yarn is a gorgeous cashmere and silk mixture, a pleasure to knit with, from Artisan Yarns. the pattern is Lalique, as found on Ravelry.
There are lots of issues with this pattern, as described by the other knitters who have tried it and listed comments on Ravelry, for example it needs to be made longer in the body, and the sleeves are a bit tight. If knitting again I would make several amendments to make it fit better, but it was so difficult to knit I am not sure I would want to attempt it again! Although in the end it only took me 2-3 weeks, but I am ready for a bit of more mindless knitting now.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Knitted baby Ugg type boots
There are several lovely patterns on Ravelry for knitted baby bootees that look like Ugg boots. I used one of them and adapted it a bit to make these for Mia who is just about 5 months old. I think they turned out to be quite cute! Very easy to knit and I knitted in the contrast to save having to embroider it on at the end. I made another pair on slightly larger needles which fit Emily who is now 15 months old.
A good evening's work!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Knitted tee-shirt rug with fringe
I needed a new rug for the hallway and inspired by knitted tee versions I had seen on the web decided to have a go. I sort of made it up as I went along, but these are the basic instructions with quantities:
I took a chance on quantities and bought 75cm of cream jersey tee-shirt type fabric, 50cm of dark rose (115cm wide) and the largest size green tee-shirt I could find. It all came from the North Laines, Brighton UK, the fabric from the two shops there selling from rolls at a total cost of about £10, and the tee-shirt from the cheap shop selling them on rails at £2.
Of course you should really use old tee-shirts but I didn’t have the quantity or colours I wanted.
I cut the fabric into strips about one cm wide, by laying it out flat, rounding the corners slightly, then just cutting round the edges in a spiral to make one length which was wound into balls, the same with the tee. There are various methods on-line on how to cut a tee into strips, but just making the main part flat and cutting like this worked for me. The cream I cut as I went along, as I also cut some into a very narrow 3-4mm width. I used this with some of the solid colour stripes to ‘bleed’ one colour into the next.
The needles were size 15mm.
I cast on 45 stitches.
Stocking stitch 4 rows in cream, then 2 rows in green + the narrow cream, 2 rows green, 2 rows green + the narrow cream.
Stocking stitch 4 rows in cream, then 2 rows rose + the narrow cream, 2 rows rose, 2 rows rose + the narrow cream.
Continue in this way, you get the idea, finishing with 4 rows cream.
I didn’t bother sewing together any joins, just knotted and pushed through to the wrong side.
I intended to make a garter stitch border with mitred edges but wasn’t sure if I would have enough rose, so just crocheted around the edge (one row double crochet cream, two rows double crochet rose) until I ran out.
I cut the remaining rose into pieces to make the fringe, just enough if rather sparse!
The finished size was 72 x 75cm without the fringe.
I backed it with a piece of cream fabric and also sewed on some non-slip backing from the £1 shop.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
12th scale dolls house heirloom blanket
This week I have been tweaking one of my favourite (and most popular designs) to knit it in a finer one ply yarn. I had to make the panels a bit bigger and adjust the stitch counts so that it fitter together properly. I am pleased with the finished result though, the thinner yarn (it was previously 2 ply) looks much more in scale and drapes beautifully on a dolls house bed. Well worth the effort.
The bed in the photograph is 5" x 6" in size.
Sunday, October 09, 2011
The easiest pasta recipe in the world
While I leave the main vegetable growing to him outdoors on the allotment, my job is to grow the tomatoes in the greenhouse at home. He usually grows Moneymaker outdoors, but due to disaster with blight spreading across the allotment over the last few years I think next year I will have to find space in the garden for a few plants. But I reserve the greenhouse for my favourite variety Sungold. This is a small orange cherry tomato with an intense sweet flavour that is simply delicious. I am just coming to the end of the summer glut. I wash and bag them as they are and freeze them loosely so that they can just be tipped out of bags for cooking. This is my favourite pasta recipe to use with the fresh or the frozen tomatoes.
Wash the tomatoes and put into an oven proof dish. Sprinkle with olive oil, garlic powder and dried Italian herbs. Put under the grill for a few minutes until they are soft and starting to char slightly.
Meanwhile cook some pasta. When ready, tip the pasta in a bowl and top with the tomatoes and lovely juices. Delicious!
Wash the tomatoes and put into an oven proof dish. Sprinkle with olive oil, garlic powder and dried Italian herbs. Put under the grill for a few minutes until they are soft and starting to char slightly.
Meanwhile cook some pasta. When ready, tip the pasta in a bowl and top with the tomatoes and lovely juices. Delicious!
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Knitting and Stitching Show Alexander Palace
Had a lovely day yesterday at the annual Knitting and Stitching Show in London, at Alexander Palace. It is very popular and well worth attending if you are into knitting or quilting. This is my second visit and I absolutely loved it. We went on Friday and I expect it is even more busy over the weekend.
I thought I would just throw out a few ideas in case you are thinking of attending.
I thought I would just throw out a few ideas in case you are thinking of attending.
- I don't find it the easiest place to get to. I travelled by train from southern England to Victoria, then 30 minutes on the Piccadilly Line (changed at Green Park) to Wood Green tube station. From there it is a 30 minute walk uphill. The courtesy buses are about every 20 minutes, leaving from the road which runs perpendicular to the station exit, and expect long queues. However the W13 bus which goes from an adjacent stop does the same journey every 2-3 minutes, and the queues are fairly fast moving. You get free travel with a train Travelcard or an over 60 bus pass - I am not sure what the fare would be. Don't get off at the first Ally Pally stop for the ice rink, but the next one (don't worry the bus will be full of ladies of a certain age all going to the same place).
- We got there about 11:30am and left about 4pm, which is about right. It is packed with people but did seem a bit quieter in the afternoon. It opens at 10am but leaving it that bit later avoided having to queue to get in.
- We took a packed lunch and did what a lot of people were doing, that is sat down on the floor at the edge of the exhibition area to eat it. There are several lunch places around the edge of the main hall (all serving the same food at the same price) but they were packed. In the afternoon we managed to get a couple of seats at a table for a cup of tea but the service at the counter was very slow.
- We tackled the main exhibition room first and if you are looking to buy supplies that is the best way to do it before you run out of steam. The smaller exhibition hall also has some suppliers but also a lot of exhibitors showing artworks etc, which we weren't that interested in, so we did that last. There is also another area on the way in, next to the main Cafe, which is mostly associations and charities.
- If you have a budget, you might like to take cash and not a credit card. There is so much lovely stuff it is easy to get carried away. I heard some suppliers say they only took cash not cards for under £10 so take plenty of change.
- I read somewhere it is a good idea to take a rolling case or shopping bag on wheels to put your purchases in, but I wouldn't like to try as those who had were not very popular in that huge crush of people. I did see a few pushchairs but it must have been very hard work to push them around and try to see anything. It may not be PC to say so, but ride on mobility scooters are also perhaps not a brilliant idea in that situation.
- If you look around there are plenty of bargains to be had, eg end of lines, bin ends, large packs of branded quality yarns. But probably a good idea to make a list before you go of what you are looking for.
- I bought some quite expensive luxury yarn to knit a cardigan which was on show, but when I got it home there was no label on it. I wished I had paid a bit more attention and asked more questions as now I am not sure of the composition or washing instructions, or even who I bought it from.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Christmas is coming
I have tried most crafts in my time, but knitting is my favourite hobby and I just have to knit all the time. I long ago got tired of garments which never seemed to turn out just as I wanted, although I sometimes get tempted by socks and all the lovely patterns on Ravelry.
I have found my niche with miniature knitting (dolls house scale). I began designing little patterns, which I sold through my website, and developed the business into kits (so customers don't have to buy large amounts of yarn they won't use), books of patterns, yarn and needles suitable for my patterns, also some ready knitted garments.
Knitting isn't popular during the summer, and most of the business is done in the run-up to Christmas, especially with the little ready made sweaters. Cardigans and anything with colourwork are especially popular.
So at this time of year I spend the evening in front of the TV making little garments - I can usually do one in an evening. I sell them on ebay and they go quite well, although I know this is because I don't charge much for them. I justify it by saying that it is a hobby and I am not in it for the money, and hopefully it also provides some advertising for the webpage. And I love doing it!
This is a few I have around at the moment
Did I mention that this is just a few???
I have found my niche with miniature knitting (dolls house scale). I began designing little patterns, which I sold through my website, and developed the business into kits (so customers don't have to buy large amounts of yarn they won't use), books of patterns, yarn and needles suitable for my patterns, also some ready knitted garments.
Knitting isn't popular during the summer, and most of the business is done in the run-up to Christmas, especially with the little ready made sweaters. Cardigans and anything with colourwork are especially popular.
So at this time of year I spend the evening in front of the TV making little garments - I can usually do one in an evening. I sell them on ebay and they go quite well, although I know this is because I don't charge much for them. I justify it by saying that it is a hobby and I am not in it for the money, and hopefully it also provides some advertising for the webpage. And I love doing it!
This is a few I have around at the moment
Did I mention that this is just a few???
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Achievement of the week
I am so pleased with myself. Last week I was up in London and visited St Pauls cathedral. I went up to the Whispering Gallery and then thought, what the heck, I can do the rest, so ended up climbing right to the top. The last bit is a bit scary, with tight open spiral staircases between the inner and outer dome of 150 steps, so you can see exactly where you have come from and where you are going, with a lot of space around. I'm not brilliant at heights but it had to be done. And at 61 years old I feel it was quite an achievement and not something I will do again. Thanks Liz for being patient and waiting for me!
Friday, September 09, 2011
Dress up your dolls and dolls house for Halloween
Anna is selling lots of knitted clothes and related items for Halloween, suitable for bjd but also some will fit dolls house dolls too. Check out her store at
Saturday, September 03, 2011
Hallowe'en knitting patterns for bjd
Anna has just published her new book of knitting patterns for tiny bjd, Lati Yellow and Pukifee size.
they are lovely seasonal patterns perfect for dressing a tiny bjd for Hallowe'en, including pumpkin, a pumpkin hat, witches hat, cloak and treat bag! Pretty and very unusual. Available now from http://www.etsy.com/shop/beepbeep?ref=pr_shop_more

Monday, August 15, 2011
Christmas is here!
My new book of Christmas patterns for the doll's house is now available.
All new miniature knitting patterns for the holiday season, easy to knit using 2 ply yarn and 2 mm knitting needles.
Patterns included are:- Wreath decoration
- Garland
- Christmas stockings
- Father Christmas outfit
- Mother Christmas outfit
- Santa hat
- Pixie outfit
- Toddler dress
- Child's sweater and pleated skirt
- Adult sweater
- Santa toy
- Stained glass windows blanket
- Christmas pudding tea cosy
Saturday, August 06, 2011
New collection of bjd knitting patterns for the summer
Anna's new e-booklet of bjd knitting patterns is now available:
Absolutely gorgeous patterns for the summer for your tiny bjd, Lati Yellow size.
Available from her on Etsy
And I believe she is currently working on the winter collection, so more patterns to come soon.
Absolutely gorgeous patterns for the summer for your tiny bjd, Lati Yellow size.
Available from her on Etsy
And I believe she is currently working on the winter collection, so more patterns to come soon.
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Coming soon!
Almost finished my next book - this is the Christmas collection. Lots of seasonal dolls house knitting patterns for the winter holiday season, including garments, decorations and more.
Just putting in the final touches and hopefully it will be available within the next month or so in plenty of time to get the dolls house ready for December.
Here is a preview
Just putting in the final touches and hopefully it will be available within the next month or so in plenty of time to get the dolls house ready for December.
Here is a preview
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Lots of knitting patterns for bjd, lati yellow, pukifee and other tiny dolls
I have decided to concentrate on dolls house scale knitting patterns and have passed over designing tiny bjd patterns to my daughter Anna. She has so many of her own lovely ideas that it was a shame to be in competition and she understands the collection of these tiny dolls, and appropriate designs, much better than I do.
She is putting together several lovely collections of designs, and the first booklet is now available.
More details can be found on her blog
She is selling it as an ebook on Folksy
also on Ravelry
Where her designer's name is JaneUK
Here's looking forward to the next collection!
She is putting together several lovely collections of designs, and the first booklet is now available.
More details can be found on her blog
She is selling it as an ebook on Folksy
also on Ravelry
Where her designer's name is JaneUK
Here's looking forward to the next collection!
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Not happy
I became the victim of internet fraud this week when I found someone had hacked into my Paypal account (how??? only I know the password and I am very cautious and never respond to spoofs etc, can only assume there was some sort of inside job???). A bit of research finds that it is quite common - three transactions very close together on my account transferring money to Skype, a total of about $44. I have never used Skype and don't have an account with them. It appears that a prepayment account was set up without my knowledge (a sort of Direct Debit). I was fortunate in that I discovered it very quickly and Paypal have refunded the money within a couple of days. BUT the really annoying thing is that Paypal have now restricted my account. I can still take money from customers but can't remove or transfer money, even refunds, or do anything else. To get back on track I have got to supply Paypal with all sorts of information including photo ID, bank statements etc. I haven't yet worked out how to do this without having a scanner to email them copies or access to a fax to send them that way (the only way they will accept it), and it will cost me time and money.
I thought it was worth posting this so it will warn others of this scam which is not unusual. Keep a close eye on emails from Paypal about debits, and check your account regularly.
I thought it was worth posting this so it will warn others of this scam which is not unusual. Keep a close eye on emails from Paypal about debits, and check your account regularly.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
New haberdashery on the webpage - buttons and more in 12th scale
I have listed some new haberdashery items on the webpage - these are all in 1:12 scale so are suitable for dolls house (for example Heidi Ott), and other small dolls such as tiny bjd (Hujoo Baby, American Girl, Rosen Lied Monday child, Lati Yellow, Pukifee, Bobobie Tiny, Ellery Kish, PukiPuki, Lati White, Yoshi).
I have buttons in lots of colours and sizes from 2mm to 4mm, snap fasterners (press studs), hooks and eyes, and tiny buckles.
These items are also suitable for use when making garments for other 5 -7" dolls such as Pippa, Dawn, Bobobie, Kelly, Ginny and Ginger, and Strawberry Shortcake, or for larger dolls such as Barbie and Sindy.
All available now on the webpage
Saturday, April 09, 2011
New miniature knitting pattern book
Now available - my second miniature knitting pattern book!
'EASY TO KNIT MINIATURE KNITTING PATTERNS for the doll's house in 1:12 scale BOOK 2'
by Helen Cox.
This book presents over 20 knitting patterns specially designed to be easy and quick to knit, for new and experienced knitters, with designs suitable for both the miniature collector or for a child's first doll's house. Although intended for doll's house scale, many of the garments will also fit other 5 -7" dolls such as Pippa, Dawn, Bobobie, Kelly, Ginny and Ginger, and bjd such as Lati, and Pukifee (with the exception of jumpers which won't fit over a head larger than 8cm around).
These are brand new designs not available elsewhere, suitable for adult (5-7" tall) and child (4" tall) dolls.
Designs include: Baby dresses and hooded shawl, toddler dress, girl's pinafore and dress, child's cardigan and trousers, cabled pullover, lace blanket and cushions, yoked sweater, yoked cardigan, cot bedding, patchwork blanket, cane effect conservatory furniture, shopping bag, Christmas stocking, hot water bottle cover, and beret.
All the designs are made using readily available materials, with a manageable 2mm knitting needle size and 2 ply yarn, and are very quick to produce.
I have been designing miniature knitting patters for many years, and have gained international recognition with many projects published online and in the doll's house press. As well as these new designs not available elsewhere, this publication is packed with hints and tips, suggested pattern variations, and instructions on how to convert the patterns to 1:24 scale.
Softcover booklet printed with full colour photographs, size 6 x 8", 32 pages.
Available NOW from the webpage
'EASY TO KNIT MINIATURE KNITTING PATTERNS for the doll's house in 1:12 scale BOOK 2'
by Helen Cox.
This book presents over 20 knitting patterns specially designed to be easy and quick to knit, for new and experienced knitters, with designs suitable for both the miniature collector or for a child's first doll's house. Although intended for doll's house scale, many of the garments will also fit other 5 -7" dolls such as Pippa, Dawn, Bobobie, Kelly, Ginny and Ginger, and bjd such as Lati, and Pukifee (with the exception of jumpers which won't fit over a head larger than 8cm around).
These are brand new designs not available elsewhere, suitable for adult (5-7" tall) and child (4" tall) dolls.
Designs include: Baby dresses and hooded shawl, toddler dress, girl's pinafore and dress, child's cardigan and trousers, cabled pullover, lace blanket and cushions, yoked sweater, yoked cardigan, cot bedding, patchwork blanket, cane effect conservatory furniture, shopping bag, Christmas stocking, hot water bottle cover, and beret.
All the designs are made using readily available materials, with a manageable 2mm knitting needle size and 2 ply yarn, and are very quick to produce.
I have been designing miniature knitting patters for many years, and have gained international recognition with many projects published online and in the doll's house press. As well as these new designs not available elsewhere, this publication is packed with hints and tips, suggested pattern variations, and instructions on how to convert the patterns to 1:24 scale.
Softcover booklet printed with full colour photographs, size 6 x 8", 32 pages.
Available NOW from the webpage
Sunday, April 03, 2011
Back from holiday
Just back from holiday and busy catching up with bitstobuy. After a little break I have listed loads of things on ebay again and will soon be putting some new items up on the webpage - watch this space!
Here are some of the things I have listed at the moment:

Here are some of the things I have listed at the moment:

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Easy to knit miniature knitting patterns for the dolls house
My first booklet of knitting patterns for the dolls house continues to sell well, and I have had many kind comments about how easy the patterns are to knit and the good results. This collection has lots of garments for adult and child dolls, and furnishings such as bedcovers, baskets, tiny toys and tea cosy - over 25 patterns in total.
But my brain is buzzing all the time with new patterns and I have so many that more books will be following - watch this space.
I am also thinking about a publication for tiny bjd patterns when I can find the time!
The book is available from the website
But my brain is buzzing all the time with new patterns and I have so many that more books will be following - watch this space.
I am also thinking about a publication for tiny bjd patterns when I can find the time!
The book is available from the website
Monday, February 21, 2011
Knitting patterns for Strawberry Shortcake
Yet another doll who fits my patterns :)
These are pictures of Strawberry Shortcake in two of my garments, kindly sent to me from Raquel in Spain:
Photos are copyright msrakel
These are pictures of Strawberry Shortcake in two of my garments, kindly sent to me from Raquel in Spain:
Photos are copyright msrakel
Hujoo Baby pictures
One of my customers has sent me these lovely photos of her Hujoo Baby in a couple of my jumpers. This is a 10cm tall doll, so they are a bit oversized, but still look great! The socks and shoes are mine too.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Dolls house and bjd knitting patterns measurements
There are so many tiny dolls out there and I am being asked all the time which dolls my patterns fit. It can be difficult to know without having the doll in front of me, but I have spent some time gathering together measurements and am fairly confident now about sizing. My own doll is a Doll Family JoJo (how I would love to have a Lati Yellow) which is a fairly average tiny doll size. As knitted garments are so stretchy anyway they adapt fairly well to most tiny doll sizes. All my basic patterns will fit 5 to 6" (13 to 15 cm) dolls house dolls including Heidi Ott, also Pippa, Dawn and Kelly. Those patterns which are either specially designed for larger heads, or have a front opening such as a cardigan will fit 5 to 7" bjds (13 to 18 cm) such as American Girl, Rosen Lied Monday child, Lati Yellow, Pukifee, Bobobie Tiny, Ellery Kish and JoJo. They fit but look oversized on smaller 4 to 5" (10 to 13 cm) PukiPuki, Lati White, Yoshi, and Hujoo baby, although I have adapted patterns and knitted specially for these sizes. I also have some patterns for dolls house child dolls such as the Heidi Ott children, which are 4" (10cm) tall.
Hope that helps!
Hope that helps!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Missed a few things
So while I was busy knitting and not blogging I missed a few items of news.
So not forgetting Harry:
And Emily:
AND another wedding:
It's been a busy couple of years.
So not forgetting Harry:
And Emily:
AND another wedding:
It's been a busy couple of years.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Lovely buttons for knitters
My daughter has just started a shop on Folksy selling buttons and ribbons. Do have a look, she has chosen some really fun and unusual designs! Ideal for that special knit or child outfit.
She sells her ready made lovely crafted items at
I am busy working on a second book of knitting patterns for dolls house size dolls, more information soon :)
Meanwhile all my usual patterns, kits and 2 ply miniature knitting yarns are available on the webpage
She sells her ready made lovely crafted items at
I am busy working on a second book of knitting patterns for dolls house size dolls, more information soon :)
Meanwhile all my usual patterns, kits and 2 ply miniature knitting yarns are available on the webpage
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
New on the webpage: ready made garments for dolls house and bjd
Due to popular demand :) I am now including ready made tiny garments on the webpage:
Some of these are miniatures for the dolls house, but those which have an opening will also fit small bjd such as Lati, Pukifee and other small dolls up to 7 inches tall.
My jacket with a fluffy mohair edging is particularly popular as it is ideal for an older dolls house doll.
I hope to have more garments up there soon.
Some of these are miniatures for the dolls house, but those which have an opening will also fit small bjd such as Lati, Pukifee and other small dolls up to 7 inches tall.
My jacket with a fluffy mohair edging is particularly popular as it is ideal for an older dolls house doll.
I hope to have more garments up there soon.
Saturday, February 05, 2011
Knitting patterns for bjd - Lati, puki and similar
Gosh it's been a while but decided to resurrect the blog.
I have been very busy knitting and designing patterns, and just lately seem to have been knitting more for bjd (ball jointed dolls). It took me a while to cotton-on, but my customers have told me that the dolls house size also fits lots more dolls, especially the collector bjd tiny dolls. Some other dolls that my garments fit include:
Lati Yellow, Puki and Pukifee, Bobobie tiny, Kelly, Pippa Dawn, Ginny, Ginger, Amanda Jane. And yesterday I was asked to knit for Hujoo Baby which is one I hadn't come across before. As the garments are stretchy they seem to fit any 5 to 7" ish dolls. The only difference between dolls house and the bjd's is the size of the head, but I have sorted out now how to make a big head opening so that is not a problem! My own bjd which I use for sizing and as a model is Doll Family Jojo - not the most attractive and cute I admit and I really must get her a better wig, but she works hard for me posing for photos!
I am always keen to hear of other named dolls - I am trying to collect measurements but must have missed some so any information would be helpful.
Last week I made a tiny duffle coat with hood, and Fimo toggles. Turned out quite cute!
I have been very busy knitting and designing patterns, and just lately seem to have been knitting more for bjd (ball jointed dolls). It took me a while to cotton-on, but my customers have told me that the dolls house size also fits lots more dolls, especially the collector bjd tiny dolls. Some other dolls that my garments fit include:
Lati Yellow, Puki and Pukifee, Bobobie tiny, Kelly, Pippa Dawn, Ginny, Ginger, Amanda Jane. And yesterday I was asked to knit for Hujoo Baby which is one I hadn't come across before. As the garments are stretchy they seem to fit any 5 to 7" ish dolls. The only difference between dolls house and the bjd's is the size of the head, but I have sorted out now how to make a big head opening so that is not a problem! My own bjd which I use for sizing and as a model is Doll Family Jojo - not the most attractive and cute I admit and I really must get her a better wig, but she works hard for me posing for photos!
I am always keen to hear of other named dolls - I am trying to collect measurements but must have missed some so any information would be helpful.
Last week I made a tiny duffle coat with hood, and Fimo toggles. Turned out quite cute!
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