Thursday, December 06, 2007
I have been doing some crocheting!

The tiger motif is just the right size for a dolls house rug. I love the way the crochet stitches give a ragged look, just like tiger fur. There are all sorts of possibilities based on this one....
I found a lovely lacy motif which I have put together to make a dolls house bedspread. It took quite a long time to make but looks really pretty now it is finished.
Perhaps I have gone through my crochet phase for the moment; my first love is still knitting after all. I have now started a Rowan wool jumper so that will keep me busy for a while.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Otherwise still knitting as usual, no big projects on the go at the moment so just filling spare time with knitting tiny bits from my patterns to go onto ebay. Have been doing a bit of crocheting too, making tiny blankets, but my crocheting skills are limited. I love doing granny squares type though where you just keep going round and round with trebles. I can keep that up for hours.
We are off for an autumn break to Amsterdam at the weekend, the weather apparently is mostly cold! Hope to see lots of Van Gogh and canals no doubt.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
This week I have mostly been.........
Friday, August 10, 2007
New 'I Love Knitting Shop'!
Otherwise all is good, enjoying the warm weather at last even if it is not so good for knitting. One of the lovely ladies at my knitting club came up with a new idea for me which involves a completely new range of patterns to design, so I am working hard on that. Still at the thinking stage but hope to have something to show soon.
Our knitting club is known as 'Knit and Natter' and we meet on alternate Thursdays at the South Lodge Hotel, Brighton Road, Lower Beeding (near Horsham). We are a thriving club of about 30 members, with about 8 turning up on a typical evening. We enjoy sharing ideas and patterns, and have a good chat in very pleasant surroundings, overlooking the Sussex Downs. I am the only knitter who works in the mini-scale, but other members produce some very inventive knitting, with lots of colours and beautiful textures. I always find it a great inspiration. More details on request if anyone is interested in joining!
I have been quite busy selling patterns, and am finding that my latest idea of selling 1 and 2 ply yarn on Ebay seems to be taking off. It is not easy to find such thin yarn in the shops, but I am able to buy in bulk and sell in small quantities for the mini-knitter. Just need to keep that kitten well out of the way when I am winding!
No listing on Ebay for a couple of weeks though. We are away in a couple of weeks time, then I am on Jury Service for a possible couple of weeks. I am told that Jury Service can involve a lot of waiting around, will I be the first person to take along my knitting?
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Saturday, July 07, 2007
I have learned a valuable new lesson this week...
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Latest magazine article

Thursday, May 17, 2007
What a strange find

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
New pattern

Sunday, April 15, 2007
More wedding photos
I have taken the plunge and signed up for etsy.com, so have now opened a shop to see how it goes. There are loads of lovely hand made things on this site, there are some very talented people out there. Will be interesting to see if I have any sales. I am also thinking now about supplying my patterns via etsy and ebay by attachment to an email, so that customers can download them instantly. It will mean that there is no P&P to pay for the customer, and it will save me printing costs, so should be of benefit all round. I will have to change the format of the leaflets from Publisher to Word, but apart from the time it will take, it shouldn't be too difficult. Another project to keep me busy.
Otherwise I am knitting up my new bedspread pattern, more news soon.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
What a wonderful wedding weekend

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Me and him outdoors had a lovely walk this afternoon. It was blowy but sunny and quite dry underfoot so a very pleasant outing - we did 2 1/2 hours round and about Horsham. Him is busy photographing the countryside around to put images up on geograph, a very interesting project!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
More new patterns

I have also finished a pattern for a belted car coat, hat and trousers. This one developed from a design I was asked to make for a customer in America, who was making a 'bag' lady doll!
I have nearly finished a new bedspread miniature pattern kit in 1:12 scale which I am quite pleased with, more on that soon. I need to knit a couple of versions and they do take quite a while to make.
I am hoping to have some more work published this summer in one or more of the dolls house magazines - more information when I have the final details!
I have enquired this week about having my brochure professionally printed. At the moment I print them off myself on the computer but I get through so many print cartridges! Not to say the frustration when the printer misfeeds or I manage to get the wrong page on the back of another. It may not be any more expensive than buying print cartridges to have the finished brochure printed, but I think the art work to set it up might be prohibitive. I will have to think about it very hard to see if I can justify the outlay, and also have to think that as I update it with new patterns quite often it could go out of date. I have had some customers think that because my leaflets are self-printed on non-glossy paper, that I have photocopied someone else's work, or that they are somehow not 'official' patterns. I can assure everyone that they are all my own work, and they do cost me a significant amount to print! It is not possible to have every leaflet professionally printed as I don't sell enough of each design to justify the cost.
I have had a lot of hits on the webpage asking for a copy of the brochure, so it was obviously of use adding the button to be able to do this. Strange how sometimes I get requests coming from the same area (I had a spate of orders from Tyne and Wear). It makes me wonder if I have had some publicity I don't know about, or if I have been mentioned at a Dolls House Club. The link on the webpage to the 'I love knitting' is down at the moment - the external site has undergone some changes and we haven't yet been able to pin it down.
So next weekend we have the big wedding(s) of the year, when beepone and Ram finally get it together! I have got the big hat(s) and the chocolate fountain is ordered, so nothing holding us back now. Might need a few days to recover before I am up to blogging (or knitting) again!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
My new stash!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Have a huge stash of wool!
Just catching up on the sleep and wondering what to knit first. Will post piccies of some of the wonderful yarn I have acquired soon!
bitstobuy was left in the capable hands of beepone, and has been ticking over while we were away. I have some new ideas for patterns so hope also to get onto those soon. So much to knit, so little time.
I have opened a new shop on the website, selling knitting related items; see the 'I Love Knitting' button on the home page. There are lots of things for all those knitting fanatics out there, including t-shirts and tote bags!
Back soon
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Two warm feet

Quite a lot of yarn left over though. I suspect if I knit them with shorter leg bits I might even get two pairs out of the next ball. I shall have to do some weighing of knitted pieces to see how the yarn will pan out.
Am thinking that I could use some of my 2 ply yarn double to knit socks as that would give the equivalent of 4 ply to use with the same sock pattern. Then they could be in all kinds of stripey patterns as I have got most colours.
Signing out for a while now as am off for an extended period; back at the end of February. Leaving bitstobuy in capable hands so orders (apart from ready knitted items) will be going out as normal.