I designed this pattern for a dolls house family because I thought it would be fun! OK not one for miniature collectors this one, but ideal to knit for a first dolls house for a toddler or small child. The figures are in 1:12 scale, so all the usual 12th scale garments will fit.
Here is the final part of the pattern which gives instructions for the child dolls.
Copyright Helen Cox 2012
Materials required: A pair of 2mm (size 14) knitting needles. A small ball of 2ply flesh coloured or cream yarn and a small ball of 2ply white yarn or 20 crochet cotton for the underclothes. Two black beads for eyes for each doll and scraps of yarn for hair. Polyester stuffing.
Measurements: The child dolls are about 4 tall. All the 1:12 scale garments in the bitstobuy range will fit the dolls.
Abbreviations: st = stitch; sts = stitches; k = knit; p = purl; ss = stocking stitch (one row knit, one row purl); inc = increase by working twice into next stitch; dec = decrease by working next two sts together; turn = turn knitting round and work back along sts just knitted; k2tog = knit 2 sts together; p2tog = purl 2 sts together; [ ] = repeat instructions in brackets.
Cast on 12 sts.
Ss 12 rows.
Next row: k2, inc in next st, k6, inc in next st, k2 (14 sts)
Starting with a p row, ss 3 rows
Next row: [k2tog] 7 times (7 sts)
Starting with a p row ss 3 rows.
Next row: inc once in every st (14 sts)
Starting with a p row, ss 9 rows.
Next row: [k2tog] 7 times (7 sts)
Next row: inc purlwise once in every st (14 sts)
Ss 9 rows.
Next row: [p2tog] 7 times (7 sts)
Ss 3 rows.
Next row: inc purlwise once in every st (14 sts)
Ss 3 rows.
Next row: p2, p2tog, p6, p2tog, p2 (12 sts)
Ss 12 rows.
Cast off.
To make up body and head:
Do not press. With right sides together, fold in half and seam down each side. Turn right side out and insert a small amount of stuffing. Close bottom seam.
ARM (Make two )
Cast on 10 sts.
Ss 8 rows.
Next row: k, decreasing one st at each end of row (8 sts).
Starting with a p row ss 5 rows.
Next row: [k2tog] 4 times (4 sts)
Next row: inc purlwise once in every st (8 sts)
Ss 4 rows.
Break yarn, leaving a long end, and gather through sts. Fasten off.
To make up:
Do not press. With wrong sides together, fold in half and seam on right side with small stitches, inserting a small amount of stuffing at the same time. Leave top open. Sew into place on body.
LEG (Make two)
Cast on 3 sts.
Next row: Inc once in every st (6 sts)
Next row: p
Next row: [k2, inc in next st] twice (8 sts)
Starting with a p row ss 3 rows.
To turn heel:
Next row: k1, turn
Next row: p
Next row: k2, turn
Next row: p
Next row: k3, turn
Next row: p
Next row: k to end
Next row: p1, turn
Next row: k
Next row: p2, turn
Next row: k
Next row: p3, turn
Next row: k
Starting with a p row ss 7 rows.
Next row: k, increasing one st at each end of row (10 sts).
Starting with a p row ss 11 rows.
Cast off.
To make up:
Do not press. With wrong sides together, fold in half and seam on right side with small stitches, inserting a small amount of stuffing at the same time. Leave top open. Sew into place on body.
Make hair as follows:
Girl – cut lengths of yarn about 12 inches (30 cm) long and sew into place on head along parting. Tie girls hair into bunches and secure at side of head, trim or make into plaits. Tie red yarn around plaits as ribbon.
Boy – Cut lengths of yarn about 2 inches (5 cm) long and sew into place on parting. Sew long loops at front of head for fringe. Trim to length.
Sew tiny black beads to face for eyes.
Cast on 14 sts. Work in k1, p1 rib for 2 rows.
Next row: Working in k, inc 1 st at each end of row (16 sts)
Beginning with a p row, ss 9 rows.
Continue in ss, dec one st at each end of the next 6 rows (4 sts).
Ss 4 rows.
Continue in ss, inc one st at each end of the next 6 rows (16 sts).
Ss 9 rows.
Next row: Working in p, dec 1 st at each end of row (14 sts)
Work in k1, p1 rib for 2 rows. Cast off in rib.
To make up:
With right sides together fold in half and join along the side seams. Turn right side out and press very gently with a cool iron.
Cast on 14 sts. Work in k1, p1 rib for 2 rows.
Next row: Working in k, inc 1 st at each end of row (16 sts)
Beginning with a p row, ss 11 rows.
Next row: Cast off 4 sts, k to end (12 sts)
Next row: Cast off 4 sts purlwise, p to end (8 sts)
Continue in ss, dec one st at each end of the next 2 rows (4 sts).
Ss 4 rows.
Continue in ss, inc one st at each end of the next 2 rows (8 sts).
Next row: Cast on 4 sts, k to end (12 sts)
Next row: Cast on 4 sts, p to end (16 sts)
Ss 11 rows.
Next row: Working in p, dec 1 st at each end of row (14 sts)
Work in k1, p1 rib for 2 rows. Cast off in rib.
To make up:
With right sides together fold in half and join along the side seams. Turn right side out and press very gently with a cool iron.
(My apologies for the formatting of the above pattern, I have problems copying and pasting successfully into Blogger!)
The pattern is also available as a kit from the website www.bitstobuy.co.uk, giving all the yarn etc needed to complete the whole family.
Has anyone tried the patterns? What did you think?
These dolls are wonderful! Thank you so much all your clever work, for the patterns and the inspiration!
These dolls are wonderful! Thank you so much all your clever work, for the patterns and the inspiration!
I think this pattern is fantastic for a basic miniture
Doll,for long pants i just
Made the legs of the boxer shorts longer.thank you very much for this pattern.
Dit is so pratig cutes.n
I have had this pattern for years.
As a basic doll it's fantastic.then with a bit of your own ideas you can make,all sorts of clothes.
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