
Friday, February 10, 2012

Hand made PVC shopping bags

I have a favourite shopping bag which I bought in Liberty's many years ago - I especially like it because of the compact size and square shape with gusset.  Unfortunately the handles have gone through so when I was in London a few weeks back I looked round Liberty, but they don't seem to do the PVC ones any more.
So I bought one metre of PVC fabric from John Lewis and set to to make my own.
Firstly the PVC I bought is not quite as thick and strong as the original bag, but I didn't realise that until I got home, and it will be OK if I take care with them.
I measured the original bag, and with the help of a biro on the wrong side marked the fabric (why do they never cut straight and square when cutting from a roll so you have to square it up before you can start?).  I managed two bags plus some new handles for the old one.

My new shopping bags and iPod case (old bag at the back)

Then I hit the problem of sewing it with my machine - it is so sticky it will not move through.  A quick internet search found the answer - sandwich on each side between greaseproof paper which is pulled away after.  Job done!
It was a bit of a fiddle and I ended up with torn paper all over the floor but I got there in the end and I now have two new bags plus a repaired one.  There are some smaller pieces of PVC left and I made a little zipped bag to hold my iPod and headphones.  I will probably make some more similar bags with the rest when I get round to it and can think of a use for them!


  1. Excellent job Mum! Those are very nice x

  2. Printed Bags
    I especially like it because this bag color is so impressive to me.
