
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Knitted tee-shirt rug with fringe

I needed a new rug for the hallway and inspired by knitted tee versions I had seen on the web decided to have a go.  I sort of made it up as I went along, but these are the basic instructions with quantities:
I took a chance on quantities and bought 75cm of cream jersey tee-shirt type fabric, 50cm of dark rose (115cm wide) and the largest size green tee-shirt I could find.  It all came from the North Laines, Brighton UK, the fabric from the two shops there selling from rolls at a total cost of about £10, and the tee-shirt from the cheap shop selling them on rails at £2.
Of course you should really use old tee-shirts but I didn’t have the quantity or colours I wanted.
I cut the fabric into strips about one cm wide, by laying it out flat, rounding the corners slightly, then just cutting round the edges in a spiral to make one length which was wound into balls, the same with the tee. There are various methods on-line on how to cut a tee into strips, but just making the main part flat and cutting like this worked for me.  The cream I cut as I went along, as I also cut some into a very narrow 3-4mm width.  I used this with some of the solid colour stripes to ‘bleed’ one colour into the next.
The needles were size 15mm.
I cast on 45 stitches.
Stocking stitch 4 rows in cream, then 2 rows in green + the narrow cream, 2 rows green, 2 rows green + the narrow cream.
Stocking stitch 4 rows in cream, then 2 rows rose + the narrow cream, 2 rows rose, 2 rows rose + the narrow cream.
Continue in this way, you get the idea, finishing with 4 rows cream.
I didn’t bother sewing together any joins, just knotted and pushed through to the wrong side.
I intended to make a garter stitch border with mitred edges but wasn’t sure if I would have enough rose, so just crocheted around the edge (one row double crochet cream, two rows double crochet rose) until I ran out.
I cut the remaining rose into pieces to make the fringe, just enough if rather sparse!
The finished size was 72 x 75cm without the fringe.
I backed it with a piece of cream fabric and also sewed on some non-slip backing from the £1 shop.
Quite pleased with the result and really enjoyed making it.