
Saturday, December 16, 2006

More about socks

The sock is coming along just fine! It is a long time since I have knitted socks and had forgotten the fiddley bit required to turn the heel, but I have now done it and am on the home straight along the foot. Really enjoying doing it and this looks like the start of a new obsession. Just hope I will wear them! Looks useful for padding around the house in or for wearing with my walking boots though. I am using short lengths of blue yarn for markers but will have to make some better ones or invest in a pair, as I keep losing the yarn ones. It looks as though there will be a fair bit of yarn left over so I may end up making lots of children or baby socks too. Beepone has caught the bug too and wants me to teach her how to make some over Christmas, and a little bird tells me beeptwo might have a relevant Christmas present. Beepone is willing but not a great knitter, the only completed project to date is a garter knit scarf with designer holes, so socks might be a challenge, but beeptwo is not far behind me in the knitting game (and is much better than me at crochet). Anyone know of a good supply of sock yarn at bargain prices?

1 comment:

  1. The socks are looking really good! I'm very interested to see how mine turn out =)

