
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lots of new knitting designs to come soon

I am still thinking about and designing for 12th scale and have an idea for another book of patterns to work on this summer.  But I fancied a bit of mindless adult knitting for a change and I am just finalising a new design for an adult lady's sweater which will be going out for test knitting soon.

I love knitting in Chunky yarn as it is so quick, but the drawback is that most Chunky designs can add so many inches which you don't need!  I have come up with a sweater design that I am quite pleased with, as it is actually slimming, but very quick and easy to knit.
Watch this space for 'Chunky with a Twist'!  I shall be listing this soon as a free pattern on the blog.

And I know some more designs which are on the way, check out

Happy summer knitting xx

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Post for my Dad for Father's Day

Jennifer has written an open letter to her Dad for Father's Day, listing 10 happy memories of her Dad.  I thought it was such a lovely idea that I felt inspired to do the same.
My dad died in 1983 at the age of 73, but I probably think about him every day.  Here are some of my memories:

Going out with him on his bread round in the three wheeler van

Riding pillion on his motorcycle, and him taking me round the roads near Sandbach to see the subsidence from the salt mines (I was terrified and thought we would fall into a hole in the road)

Walking down to Winterley Pool on a Sunday afternoon and him teaching me the names of the wild flowers

Building me a transistor radio out of a kit

Taking me to Dr Manning's house where he worked in the garden and showing me the bee hives

Buying me my first car on the understanding that I would pay him back when I started earning, but writing off the debt when only partly paid

Going camping and making a portable toilet out of a big plastic container

Walking me down the aisle even though his health was so bad it was a real struggle for him

Never complaining when ill health took its toll in later life

And the most important - taking me at weekends to the teacher training college where he worked as a lab assistant, setting up little experiments for me and so influencing me to take up science  (he was so proud when I qualified as a pharmacist)

Dad had a great interest in early radio and television, and just before he died was teaching himself programming on one of the first home computers.  He didn't live to see the internet.  Here you are Dad, broadcast to the whole world.